Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Catch up Mar-Apr 2010

I'm attempting to recap everyone up on what's been going on for the last 4 months.
Here's from March-April!


Headed off to my first day at daycare :)
No more lounging at home with my mommy.

My favorite past time...a good nap!

Enjoying my first bowl of rice cereal.
Not too bad.

Good old quality time with Daddy!

It's the Easter Bunny Express Train!
We are waiting for the train to take us from Fleminton to Ringos.
It was a nice scenic ride...about an hour and a half round trip.
It included a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny.
Too bad no pics of the bunny since Karina was scared of him ;).

We moved!
As you know in April, we moved to our new house.
We didn't have too many toys unpacked other than Karina's shopping cart.
They thought it would be funny to put me in her basket!

St. Judes Trike-a-thon
At daycare, they sponsored a Trike-a-thon to benefit
research at St Jude's Children's hospital.
All the babies got pushed in the buggy.
Here we are ready to head outside.

Yup, that's lizzy next to me :)
As you know, Lizzy is a little bigger than me ;)
We like comparing her hammies with my chicken legs!

Our first stroll to the park in our neighborhood.

I really enjoy watching Karina.
She makes me laugh out loud as she plays with her pile
of origami stars, triangles, boats, diamonds and hearts.

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