Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!

It's mommy's birthday today!

Friday, January 22, 2010

SO big

I'm 3 months today!
It's so funny that I'm getting SO big.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I get my dimples from my Daddy :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

close up

some close up shots of me...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

kick back

When I'm awake, I kick back in my rocker :)
It's really comfy.
Go Rocker!
Haha...I crack myself up.
...and tire myself out!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Going to the Doctor

It was my 2 month check up on 12/29 and the doctor says I'm growing perfectly :)
I weighed in at 11 and 3/4 lbs and 24 inches long.
And can you believe my head is in the 90th percentile! Hmm, wonder where I get that from??

Monday, January 4, 2010

another road trip

We took another road trip to visit friends...

this time all the way to Maryland to meet a new friend! Baby Lucas (and of course Uncle Brian & Auntie Hee) :)
Lots of babies!
We surrounded Karina...
hey...wake up Lucas!
Us with the mommies
And then the daddies...hey, where's baby lizzy??
that's better...there she is!
Lucas & I in our matching outfits
uh-oh...he's about to tackle me..
this isn't gonna be good...
Ahh, that's better...lizzy is more comfy
Presents time!
Happy Bday to Auntie Hee..
Thanks for a fun, busy day!

happy 2010

Happy New Year!
I got to catch up on my postings. It's been busy holiday season :)